To make sure that you always work with the latest version of our programs and have the latest component data available,
we recommend that you take advantage of our
Software Maintenance Agreement. If you would like us to provide this
service please complete and sign the Agreement and send scan to us. We will check your order immediately.
The Software Maintenance Agreement is finalized as soon as we return signed copie to you.
The future versions of our software will work properly only if you purchase Software Maintenance Agreement.
Those customers who won't sign the Agreement can still use the old versions of our editor without any fee.
Software Maintenance Agreement EN

Szanowni Państwo,
Z początkiem roku udostępniliśmy naszym klientom najnowszą wersję edytora DReS.
Wzbogaciliśmy ją o wiele nowych funkcji oraz usprawniliśmy wiele już działających, tak aby użytkownik jeszcze sprawniej mógł posługiwać się naszym edytorem.
Wszyscy klienci posiadający klucz licencyjny, którzy będą chcieli posługiwać się najnowszą wersją programu, zobowiązani są do zawarcia umowy na wsparcie techniczne oprogramowania.
Wyłącznie klienci, którzy zawrą wymienioną umowę od bieżącego roku będą mogli skorzystać z aktualizacji na preferencyjnych warunkach w przyszłych latach.
Klienci, którzy nie zdecydują się na zawarcie umowy w dalszym ciągu będą mogli używać bezpłatnie jedynie starszych wersji programu.
W przypadku pytań lub wątpliwości prosimy o kontakt mailowy lub telefoniczny.

Dear ladies and gentlemen,
kindly be informed that with the beginnig of the year the latest version of DReS editor was released.
It has been updated with numerous new functionalities and the old ones have been improved, so that you use the editor more easily and more efficiently.
All the clients with licence key who would like to use the newest version of a program are obliged to conclude Software Maintenance Agreement.
Only clients that will conclude SMA starting in this year will be able to extend the update in the next years under more preferable terms.
Clients who will not decide to conclude the SMA will be able to use for free the old versions of the editor.
In case of any questions do not hesitate to contact us.

Vážené dámy a páni,
dovoľte nám oznámiť, že začiatkom roka bola vydaná najnovšia verzia editora DReS.
Editor sme nielen obohatili o mnoho nových funkcií, ale aj vylepšili veľa starších funkcií preto,aby jeho používanie bolo pre Vás ešte ľahšie a efektívnejšie.
Všetci klienti vlastniaci licenčný kľúč, ktorí by chceli používať najnovšiu verziu programu, sú povinní uzavrieť zmluvu o technickej podpore.
Výlučne klienti, ktorí uzavrú dohodu o technickej podpore v tomto roku budú mať v budúcnosti možnosť získať aktualizáciu vo výhodnejších podmienkach.
Klienti, ktorí sa nerozhodnú uzavrieť zmluvu o technickej podpore budú môcť naďalej zadarmo používať len doterajšie verzie editora.
V prípade otázok nás neváhajte kontaktovať.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Anfang des Jahres haben wir unseren Kunden die neueste Version des DReS-Editors zur Verfügung gestellt.
Wir haben ihn um viele neue Funktionen erweitert und viele der bestehenden verbessert, so dass der Benutzer unseren Editor noch effizienter nutzen kann.
Alle Kunden mit einem Lizenzschlüssel, die die neueste Version des Programms nutzen wollen, sind verpflichtet, einen Vertrag über den technischen Support des Programms abzuschließen.
Nur Kunden, die den erwähnten Vertrag ab diesem Jahr abschließen, werden in den kommenden Jahren von einem Update zu Vorzugskonditionen profitieren können.
Kunden, die sich gegen einen Vertragsabschluss entscheiden, können ältere Versionen des Programms weiterhin kostenlos nutzen.
Wenn Sie Fragen oder Zweifel haben, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte per E-Mail oder Telefon.
Changes in the version 6.3 (28.12.2024)
- Improved VKRC Tech parsing for names with multiple spaces and dots
- Improved VKRC Tech. The empty subgroup names are set to default value 'SubN'
- Improved saving Makro.src
- Improved saving Kuka files with servogun command
- Improved robot stations' names for VKRC Quick Info and robot's documentation plugins
- Improved commenting/uncommenting text in VKRC viewer
- Improved numbering lines in VKRC viewer
- Improved saving all types of VKRC makros
- Improved checking reference to SPSLabel in VKRC viewer
- Improved setting VKRC motion parameters on file loading
- Multiple operand allwed in VKRC set bin/i command
- Improved showing incomplete point data in VKRC point coordinates browser
- Improved checking compatibility of selected VKRC TP version with file header
- Improved VKRC Tech Updater plugin. Now the plugin can upgrade given tech command to higher version of VW user.
For Fanuc:
- Improved Fanuc Archive Diff plugin - automatically unzipping file
For Others:
- New button "New search" for dialog with search results
- Improved session management
- Improved loading long texts
- Improved progress bar for VKRC, Fanuc and ABB documentation's plugins
- Showing multiple long texts
- Showing 'red flag' in long text widget if the loaded variable list is not synchronized with current VKRC or VFanuc editor
- Improved search / replace panel
- Improved copy & paste in VKRC and VFanuc viewers
Changes in the version 6.2 (9.07.2024)
- Improved renumbering and cleaning VFanuc points
- Set wider range for external axes in VKRC and Fanuc point editor
- Removed bug for VKRC and Fanuc point editor when changing E1 linear axis value
- Improved KRC point widget
Changes in the version 6.1 (7.05.2024)
- Fixed important bug for VKRC tech command.
Editor recognized wrong TP version if the header file contains TP > 8.1.0 and TP < 8.3.0
- Remove empty lines in the Kuka file header
Changes in the version 6.0 (26.03.2024)
- Added VKRC5 v.8.7 controller
- Integrated WoV Script Runner to manually upgrade edited programs to ensure high compatibility with VKRC controller.
Learn more
- Added editable VEXPERT fold for VKRC viewer
- Automatically restores original text of VKRC motion command after inline changes.
Any changes to the parameters of a motion point are made only by the point editor.
- Allowes inline point editing in VKRC viewer.
Some of the motion point parameters can be changed now directly in the editor if the suitable setting flag is selected.
To change the parameter value please select first the old value with mouse.
- Shows VKRC PDF documentation for selected command on pressing F1 in SumatraPDF reader
- User can comment instructions (single SPS instruction too) in VKRC programm for TPVW 8.6 and higher
- Improved warning messages on loading langtexts from WVS project
- Improved restoring VKRC file - loading DAT file correctly
- Improved saving backup file
- Improved generating TPVW version string in VKRC SRC and DAT files' headers according to selected TPVW in editor
- Improved renumbering VKRC glue Schaltpunkt parameter. Add/modify comment above point.
- Improved makrostep KRL parser
- Improved VKRC tech editor
- Improved VKRC point editor - set correct VB range
- Improved importing VKRC TXT files and showing in VKRC viewer
- Improved chaning tool/base for selected points in VKRC viewer
For Fanuc:
- Calculates cartesian distance for joint positions in Fanuc points' coordinates widget
- New pattern for Fanuc VW user parameter implemented. Now accepted numeric variables with the range e.g.:
N05 = "No.ValveTerminals":(1~4):'1'
- Added new Fanuc command to the parser: SPOT, Sample Start, Sample End, GUN DETACH, more complex system variable
- Reading lang texts from Fanuc SUMMARY.DG
- Fanuc - parameterizing joining split command on file load.
Point command will be always joined on loading even if it was split in original file.
- Improved Fanuc viewer block formatting
- Improved reading & displaying Fanuc payload data
- Improved Fanuc command 'PAYLOAD[1:C-ZANGE]' - now with description accepted
- Improved geting variable for Fanuc tooltip shown in editor
- Improved loading Fanuc long texts from CSV file
- Improved reordering operands in Fanuc TC_ONLINE - works only for TC_ONLINE with simple AND logic
- Improved reading Fanuc point UT and UF for 2,3,4,5 group
- On drag & drop of file in Project Tree Widget opens robot project instead of opening file in text mode
- Added action 'Copy as plain text & format' text in viewer.
The copied text can be formatted through JavaScript callback. The formatted text is copied to the clipboard.
- Added 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons to jump to the point in VKRC and Fanuc point editors
- Improved Windows installer
- Improved saving app settings in system register.
Editor can be run now without '-i' option for multi instances except custom VW distribution.
- Improved reloading all files function - now reload even when file is not modified
- Improved cutting text in VKRC and Fanuc viewers
- Improved commenting text in VKRC and Fanuc viewers
- Improved undo/redo in VKRC and Fanuc viewers
- Improved calling PowerShell callback script for VKRC, Fanuc, ABB and Yaskawa
- Improved visible debugging console output
- Improved code highlighting
Changes in the version 5.9 (1.06.2023)
- Saving Yaskawa JBI files
- Checking INFORM syntax
- New plugins YaskawaAntlrValidator to bulk validating of a large number of files
- Added syntax highlighting for Yaskawa JBI files
- Added Yaskawa settings panel to the global settings
- New plugin VKRC Data Integrity
- VKRCDocGeneratorPro - added new robot attribute 'used_coll' to insert table with used collisions in UPs and Folgen
- Improved VKRC tech editor for 'num1=Zange=Nr1' - value with two = characters
- Improved VKRC Tech Updater plugin - shows X,Y,Z values for process point and the first comment text above point
- Improved showing VKRC inconsistent point data warning
- Improved VKRC point editor for E1 value
- Allows VB real value for VKRC motion point
- Allows binary value for Kuka S and T E6POS, T 19 corresponds to T 'B010011'
- Asks for VKRC programm comment on file save if empty
- Shows VKRC point's S and T values in coordinates' widget
- Some of Kuka E6POS structure's parameters in DAT file can be omited. For example S,T,E1.
But such point cannot be properly edited or displayed in 3D viewer.
Values X,Y,Z,A,B,C are still mandatory for E6POS.
For Fanuc:
- New plugins FanucAntlrValidator to bulk validating of a large number of files
- FanucDocGeneratorPro - added new robot attribute 'used_coll' to insert table with used collisions in UPs and Folgen
- Improved Fanuc Tech Updater plugin - shows X,Y,Z values for process point and the first comment text above point
- Improved Fanuc parser
- Improved showing points' coordinate widget in Fanuc SUCHL program
- Improved Fanuc tech command for KS28 - additional 3 parameters in the command
- Improved SKIP condition for Fanuc motion point
- Added change tool and base action for all selected points to Fanuc menu
- Added new file type SUCHL to Fanuc viewer
- New documentation for Fanuc Antlr Validator and Yaskawa Antlr Validator plugins
- Reading Fanuc VW user DT file in new format for KS28
- Reads long texts to the Long Text widget from Fanuc csv file
- Improved showing missing licenses warning
- Improved searching files recursively - added progress dialog
- Improved handling PDF in certain plugins
- Improved sessions' manager dialog
- Improved pasting text in Fanuc and VKRC viewers
- Improved capturing robot image in VKRC, Fanuc, ABB point's editors
- Included lightweight SumatraPDF reader to the installer
- Shows Fanuc/Yaskawa PDF documentation for selected command on pressing F1 in SumatraPDF reader
- Single F6 shortcut to check full syntax in current file for all viewer types
- New attribute 'wildcard' for building robot project tree
- Added action to recent projects - Open All
- Added 'Show viewer settings' action in every viewer context menu
Changes in the version 5.8 (20.01.2023)
- Shows indicator in the project file comment if VKRC Folge is added to the cell.src and is runnable
- VKRC Documentation Pro plugin has a new attribute for reference table to exclude certain longtexts
- For OLP Process Simulate compatibility do not add space at the beginning of comment with location name.
Writes comment --$$ location_name -- instead of -- $$ location_name -- in the first point's subfold.
- Displays tool name for tool load data in CTB tree
- Improved operands' condition for (SPS)Label
- Improved VKRC Tech editor
- Improved VKRC Robot Check plugin, check tool 32 and base 32
- Reads long texts from WVS project if the modification date is newer as current set and used ASZ project
For Fanuc:
- New VFanuc code parser
- Editabled Fanuc makrostp, motn, makrosp files
- New plugin Fanuc Archive Diff compares robot archives
- FanucDiff and FanucArchiveDiff works with Fanuc makrostp, motn, makrosp files
- Improved long text variables sorting for VFanuc Documentation Pro plugin
- Shows additional information for Fanuc Tech validation on debug console
- Improved Fanuc checking mixed logic
- Added GO as allowed operand to Fanuc PS command
- New documentation for Fanuc tech command
- Reads tool and base names from Fanuc longtext.csv
- Sets default value for an empty Fanuc tech parameter if an empty value is not acceptable
- Improved pasting text into Fanuc program
- Configurable comment character ! or // for Fanuc
- If Fanuc command contains error, the user can configure if the command should be commented or left without changes on saving file
- Improved index for PR[...] Fanuc, PR[ (GPk:) i ] and PR[ (GPk:) i , j ] available
- Improved Fanuc checking mixed logic
- Improved copying and pasting Fanuc points with indirect indexes
- Reads and shows Fanuc points with UF:F and UT:F what means that the coordinate system
of the currently selected tool coordinate system number is used
- Improved processing Fanuc motion points with direct/indirect indexes
- Faster showing program in VKRC and VFanuc viewer
- Faster loading long text for Kuka and Fanuc
- Prints on debug console all process calls in background
- Adjusted width of find text dialog
- Improved zooming text in the viewer
- Improved Windows installer
- Improved sent event processing
- Improved syntax highlighting for files with incorrect VASS file name
- Improved printing longtexts for VKRC and Fanuc Documentation Pro plugins. User configurable variables' range
- Improved searching text in current robot project
- Improved showing current file name and session name in app title bar
Changes in the version 5.7 (5.05.2022)
- New plugin VKRC Archive Diff compares robot archives
- Improved checking default value for invisible (inactive) parameters in VKRC technology commands
- Shows tool and base number in VKRC coordinates' widget
For Fanuc:
- Displays cursor tooltip with Fanuc position register from
- Unzipping robot archives with 7za - keeps the original creation and modification date of the file
- Improved VKRC, VFanuc, PlainText Diff plugins
- Improved reloading files in viewer
- Improved VKRC and Fanuc point editor - do not restore 3D preview after crash
Changes in the version 5.6 (23.01.2022)
- Detecting Kuka *.asz active project
- Opening VKRCDiag zip files and showing it as a VKRC robot project
- Check and compare VKRC TPVW version in header file with current selected in editor on file saving
- Position singularity check on selection in KRC and VKRC point coordinates' widget
- New VKRC documentation template for AUDI projects
- New 'date' tag for VKRC, Fanuc and ABB Documentation Pro plugins to insert current date
- New 'cell' tag for VKRC Documentation Pro plugin to insert structure of programs
- Improved VKRC Tech Updater plugin
- Improved inserting VKRC Schritt and Trigger
For ABB:
- Opening ABB TAR archive and showing it as a ABB robot project
- ABB Documentation Pro plugin can generate documentation from ABB TAR robot archive
- Improved ABB semantic check - shows more detailed error message
For Fanuc:
- New plugin Fanuc Tech Updater
- Reading long texts from Fanuc CSV file
- Improved Fanuc tech editor
- Improved VFanuc Simple Viewer - reading multiple line commands
- Improved Fanuc Doc Generator plugin for new CSV long text file format
- Used robot name for output directory for unziped robot archive (optional)
- Improved IK for Kuka, Fanuc and ABB
- Improved restoring last session
- Improved showing profinet tree
- Improved buildng tree for workspace directories' structure
- Improved Windows installer
Changes in the version 5.5 (18.08.2021)
- VKRC Tech widget is not blinking any more when saving program
- VFanuc Tech widget is not blinking any more when saving program
- Added comment pattern to the available Fanuc APPL commands and 'repeatable' attribute for the command
- Added "Download CAD library" action to the Help menu
- Improved splitting and saving Fanuc comment text
- Improved loading and saving APPL section in Fanuc program
- Improved setting active groups for Fanuc new file
- Improved 'copy and paste' of commands in VKRC and VFanuc viewers, now the user can copy and paste data between few instances of DReS editor
Changes in the version 5.4.3 (29.07.2021)
- Added configurable default value for invisible (inactive) parameters in VKRC technology commands
- Checking if the value of invisible (inactive) parameter in VKRC tech command is equal with the default value
Changes in the version 5.4.1 (27.07.2021)
- Important update for VKRC tech editor
Changes in the version 5.4 (20.07.2021)
- New plugin VKRC Tech Updater
- Added "Reload" option to the editor context menu
- Added "Remove/add variable long text from/to viewer on opening/saving" to the Fanuc viewer's context menu
- Shows selected text length in editor status bar
- Updated VKRC and VFanuc Calibration plugins - selecting reference point optimized
- Opening VKRC files is not indicating automatically file changes any more
- If the cursor moves over vw user file name in the VKRC reference list file the corresponding file can be opened by mouse click
- Added list of open source libraries and copyrights
- New image rotation angle attribute in VKRC, VFanuc and ABB Documentation Generator Pro plugin
- Improved VKRC tech editor
- Fixed 'Find' and 'Find and replace' actions in context menu of plain text editor
- Fixed crash with syntax highlighting
- Fixed crash on showing tooltip in VKRC viewer when VW user has been imported
- Fixed copy and paste different mime data to the clipboard
Changes in the version 5.3 (5.06.2021)
- 3D visualization of ABB arm position in point editor
- Improved IK for ABB with linear unit axis
- Changed items' indentation in project tree view
- Displays more information about Fanuc robot
- New item sorting and selecting options in context menu for ABB Rename Multi-Point plugin
- Configurable files and directories of Kuka, ABB and Fanuc robot archive to show in project tree
- Improved importing Fanuc VW user
- Update VFanuc 30iB+ tech command text on language version change in tech command editor and through
option in editor context menu
- New option "Deactivate robot" in the project tree context menu for forcing saving tech command
with the selected VW user version instead of current robot project VW user (only for Fanuc)
- New option "Open file for all robots" in the project tree context menu
- Shows folded code in a tooltip
- Select robot project after file selection changed
- Fixed setting the new UT for all Fanuc point's groups
- New option 'Do not inherit' for VKRC and VFanuc 'Add / remove FB PSPS'
- Enabled undo/redo for VFanuc document (experimental)
- Fixed 'Move up/down' selected text in VFanuc document
- Improved ABB Documentation Generator Pro, displays robot collisions, releases and FM's
Changes in the version 5.2 (10.04.2021)
- New Plugin ABB Documentation Generator Pro
- New Plugin ABB Rename Multi-Point
- Semantic check for ABB programs read more

- Forward and inverse kinematics for ABB 6 DOF robot robtarget and jointtarget
- Converts quaternions to rotation angles for ABB point widget
- Displays all available IK solutions for ABB robtarget

- Displays more information about ABB robot
- Displays real ABB robot image - requires ABB Robot Studio to be installed
- Displays tool and base data for ABB robot
- Displays tooltip with basic information about robot in project view

- Displays ABB point editor on jointtarget or robtarget or motion command double click

- Displays procedure information tooltip in ABB viewer for predefined procedures

- Indent ABB program
- Joint/split ABB multiline commands
- Define ABB robtarget/jointtarget from direct position in the motion command
- Added progress bar for VKRC and VFanuc Documentation Generator Pro plugin
- Added command autocompleter for ABB
- Added template menu and combobox for ABB
- Added VFanuc template menu
- Undo / redo text changes in ABB viewer
- New ABB code highlighting styles
- New VKRC code highlighting styles to mark invalid values for VE and SPSTrig

- New Fanuc code highlighting styles to mark invalid values for point termination and TB
- New context menu GOTO M or F assignment in VFanuc viewer
- New option to copy and assign multiple coordinates in VKRC point list widget
- Improved VKRC template menu
- Improved VKRC point editor
- Improved copying and assignment point coordinates in VKRC point list widget
- Improved creating temporary file for VKRC & VFanuc Documentation Generator Pro
- Improved Fanuc point editor, added 3D robot preview

- Updated documentation
Changes in the version 5.1 (10.01.2021)
- Multiline find and replace text
- PowerShell callback script for VKRC, Fanuc and ABB read more
- Find all global/local KRL variables for the current robot project in all DAT files
- Adding custom files and directories to the VKRC project tree from robot archive directory
- Improved KRL code parser
- Improved importing Kuka VW user
- Improved VKRC Documentation Pro plugin - inserts variable translation text for given language from WVS project
Changes in the version 5.0 (29.09.2020)
- New plugin ABB WPS - read more
- New plugin VFanuc WPS - read more
- Improved importing VFanuc VW user for 30iB+ multiple files
- Improved VFanuc VW User tech editor
- Improved renumbering and cleaning VFanuc points
- Improved VFanuc APPL validation
- Improved 'Ok & jump' to the next tech command for VKRC and VFanuc viewer
- Acceptable scientific notation for VFanuc point coordinates
- Fixed parser syntax for VKRC LIN SUCHEN
- Fixed 'Save selected' files on closing editor
Changes in the version 4.9 (20.07.2020)
- Added VKRC controller v.8.5
- Optional removing variable long text from the command in Fanuc viewer on file opening
- Optional adding variable long text to the Fanuc viewer on file saving
- Calculating forward kinematics for Fanuc points
- Shows Fanuc robot preview image on the robot info tab
- Set allowed length of Fanuc variable longtext - if exceeds mark item with red background and tooltip
- Improved longtext highlighting
- Improved text and points highlighting for VKRCDiff and VFanucDiff
- Improved Fanuc variable description shown in statusbar
- Improved simplifying TC_ONLINE for Fanuc
- Improved recognition of file type for auto highlighting style
- Improved A33 plan reader
Changes in the version 4.8 (28.04.2020)
- Process Simulate PSZ file viewer read more
- KRC-2-VKRC path converter plugin
- Opens KRC archive, shows file in the KRC viewer with syntax highlighting
- Checks KRL syntax (limited)
- 3D visualization of Kuka joints position for KRC programs
- Improved calculation of VKRC inverse kinematic for robot with linear axis
- Improved VKRC SmarPad
- Improved VKRC tech widget (escape tech version name with special QRegExp characters)
- Improved VKRC Long Text plugin - search for EA's files (*.xml *.csv) recursively, load VASS6 long text templates
- Improved VKRC point editor - linear axis visualization
- Improved VKRC Robot View plugin
- Shows tooltip with VW user tech command for VKRC program
- Faster opening of multiple VKRC robot archive
- Shows debug output on the program console
- Sets the last active file as current file after start
- Tile windows horizontally and vertically
- Drag & drop a file for VKRCDiff and VFanucDiff plugins
Changes in the version 4.7 (4.01.2020)
- Enabled undo/redo for VKRC viewer (experimental) read more
- User configurable VKRC variables' limits in templates/kuka.limits.ini file
- Improved importing Kuka VW user
- Improved VKRC2TXT
- Added custom comment box in the VKRCDiff window, accessible in the context menu over document
- Shows VKRC process parameter value in tooltip and variable description
- Implemented VW User for VFanuc 30iB+
- Add / remove TC_ONLINE for VFanuc program
- Check VFanuc program comment's length
- Saving VFanuc point with register index R[]
- Sorting VFanuc point options according to defined rules
- New VFanuc code highlighting style
- Improved VFanuc parser, check L and C point syntax
- New actions in Tools menu for text manipulation: uppercase, lowercase and capitalize
- Additional highlighting styles for longtext widget, accessible in the context menu
- Improved PlainTextDiff, VKRCDiff and VFanucDiff
- Improved text search
- Printing highlighted text
- Updates long text array on variable name/description change
Changes in the version 4.6 (7.08.2019)
- VKRC Calibration plugin
- Fanuc Calibration plugin
- Copy selected points in the VKRC coordinates' widget as plain text to the clipboard
- Added change tool and base action for all selected points to VKRC menu
- New section APPL in VFanuc viewer
- Add APPL commands in the VFanuc -> Commands -> APPL menu
- Set active groups for current VFanuc program
- Export long texts from selected VFanuc files
- Add / remove variable description in selected VFanuc files
- Selection box with VFanuc vw user in toolbar
- Template combobox for VFanuc viewer
- Edit and jump to the next VFanuc tech fold
- Added command autocompleter for VFanuc viewer
- Import VFanuc vw user from argname.dt file
- Set custom background for long text variables
- Improved VKRC and VFanuc documentation pro plugins - new 'comment' attribute for filelist
- Ctrl+R shortcut for Windows to find & replace
- Ctrl+Shift+W shortcut to close all files
- Disable warning for FB PSPS with + sign
- Improved VKRC templates
- Improved VFanuc syntax parser
- Improved GOTO Label / Label / GOTO SPSLabel / SPSLabel in VKRC viewer
Changes in the version 4.5 (13.6.2019)
- VKRC E-Plan reader plugin
- Draw box with debug message in the editor
- Improved restoring last session
- Show/hide quick information on workspace tab for robot projects
- Drag & drop directory on the file and project view indicates search for all
zip files recursively and open all valid robots' archives
- Scalable image size for recursiveimg tag in all VKRC and VFanuc documentation plugins
- Close all messages for interrupted HASP session with one button
- Fixed bug with LIN SUCHEN point type in VKRC point editor
Changes in the version 4.4 (16.04.2019)
- Save makrostep[N].src and makrosps[N].src
- Add padding zero characters to the UP and Makro call for VFanuc programs
- Split VFanuc comment into multiple lines if text length exceeds given number of characters
- Improved SmartPad plugin and communication with RF::RobSim from EKS InTec GmbH
- Exportable / restorable highlighting styles
- New hihglighting style for tech and servozange, EIN and AUS
- Improved VKRC viewer
- Improved importing VW User
- Improved VKRC Robot View plugin - new button to add new point to the path and update program in the editor
- Improved VFanuc parser
Changes in the version 4.3 (19.02.2019)
- New tab 'Workspace' shows tree with all files in the workspace directory sorted by stations' names
- Added VW user combo box to the editor toolbar
- Improved importing VW User - new option to compare ini files
- Draggable tabs on the left tabs' panel
- Improved Plain Text Diff - check in binary or text mode
Changes in the version 4.1 (14.01.2019)
- Open Kuka WVS project - accessible files and long text (under Windows only, requires WorkVisual)
- Open Kuka ASZ project - accessible files (under Windows only, requires WorkVisual)
- Improved VKRC Diff, VFanuc Diff, Plain Text Diff
- VKRC Mount Share requires none license any more
- Set path for WorkVisual executable file from Windows registry
Changes in the version 4.0 (19.12.2018)
- Added SERVOZANGE command for VKRC >= 8.3
- New PlainTextDiff plugin available if VKRCDiff license present
- Show tech parameters only instead of readable text in the VKRC viewer
- Making backup file while importing already existing VW user version
- Split VKRC comment into multiple lines if text length exceeds given number of characters
- Added 'Copy full path' and 'Copy file name' actions to the file tree context menu
- Added 'Save copy of file' action to the file menu and file tree context menu
- Close all robot projects when changing session
- Automatically adds code viewer to the backup file
- Compare VKRC file with the backup file
- Restoring file from the backup
- Create ABB file backup on save
- Improved VKRC tech editor
- Improved Fanuc Documentation Pro plugin, new robot attribute: ip, applications
- Improved GOTO Label command, acceptable multi-operands for Kuka system >= 8.3
- Improved override cursor
- Improved points' coordinate widget
- Improved VKRC Documentation Pro plugin